Most giants and shallows hydrocarbon fields have already been discovered; exploitation activities on deep and ultra-deep horizons are costly. Millions of barrels remain trapped in the subsurface, waiting for technologies that identify and recover those resources... Can Methods and Techniques of MARKET BASKET ANALYSIS, GRAPH THEORY, LINK ANALYSIS, and RECOMMENDATION ENGINES help to address this Challenge?
In MineaOil, we have designed and implemented a CONTENT BASED RECOMMENDATION ENGINE that integrates available and relevant data of petrophysics, geology, validated production data, wells history, etc. The two main steps of the workflow are: i) a set of “Wells of Interest” of the field is identified; and ii) the Best Combinations of Actions (well interventions, namely, repair, re-drilling, fracturing, stimulation, acidification, etc.) are discovered and RECOMMENDED to be carried out on the “Wells of Interest”, to maximize the productivity.
Referring to the figure above, the history of well-EVENTS is used to build a graph (a); applying Link Analysis and Weighted Association Rules Mining WARM, OPTIMAL RULES are extracted (b). These OPTIMAL RULES are the Best Combinations of Actions to be carried out on the “Wells of Interest”, to maximize their productivity. Additionally, once a particular well has been identified as a candidate to apply some of the OPTIMAL RULES, the SIMILARITY DATABASE available in the RECOMMENDATION ENGINE (c) allows the analyst to pick up similar wells (even wells not located in the same area, e.g., located in a neighbor/analog filed), on which the Best Combinations of Actions could also be applied.
The results of the previous analysis, together with conventional workflows and other resources, can be used directly by the analyst/reservoir engineer, to optimize the planned budget at hand, and to implement effective actions that increase production and operator revenue at the lowest costs, in a timely manner.
This is an example of what we called CROSS-DOMAIN ANALYTICS: techniques and methods of the Retail Business were adapted to successfully address issues of the Oil and Gas Industry.
At MineaOil we always focus on the best approach: SCIENCE FIRST. For further INFORMATION regarding our available Consulting and Training solutions, please visit our WEBSITE. If it is of interest to your Company/Organization, we can make a short presentation of the products of our portfolio. Also, we can carry out pilot tests of any of our workflows with your datasets. For further information, use the chat or visit our website.